BR 2-07: The Troy Stone

"Goodbye, boy," she says, "Come and see me again one day. Come and see me again." (p.15)

「the troy stone penguin」の画像検索結果     This story is time travel story. I like time travel story so I was glad to read this book.  I want to go back in time someday because I love Japanese history. I had learned Japanese history until high school student. I think historical people have done really wonderful things. I don't know about their real idea. Perhaps they were not nice people but I think there was certainly a feeling for people. So I like to go to places in history. I especially like going to shrines and castles among them because I think I can feel what happened there. I respect to them.
     This book's story is a boy named Mark Jackson go a world where the Greeks are building a wooden horse. He found a yellow stone and Greeks thank him because it is necessary to build a wooden horse. At last, Mark can go back a world where he live. This story is so exciting! I really think I want to travel time!!

Rabley, Stephen. (1990). The Troy Stone. London: Person Education Limited



June 14th


June 10