May 27th

I joined the Welcome Party. It held at The Kumamoto University. There were many people from several countries for example, China, South Korea, France, Vietnam, and so on....!!
I had very good time with them😉. I ate pizza, fried chicken, french fry, sushi, and wagashi!! Wagashi is japanese sweets. It is delicious so I like it.
I talked with two Frenchmen about each national food.  In France, they eat frogs🐸🐸!!!
Wow that's incredible haha😄! For them, however, it is usually.😲


This picture's dish is made of frogs. At first sight, It looks so delicious. I really can't believe my eyes.

Do you want to try it? I don't want to try it in absolute.....😵😵😵


  1. I wanna try them!!
    Let's hang out with such a handsome French men!

  2. This picture looks very delicious!




June 14th

June 10