
1月, 2019の投稿を表示しています

BR 2-14 Just like a movie

That's life. It's just like a movie...    (p.32)      I think this man named Brad Black is very stupid. He want to be something like a movie and he lost his life due to his dream. He tried to kill a woman named Carrie because he want a lots of money to marry his true girlfriend named Gina. So he married Carrie. I can't understand his action! One windy day, he tried to kill Carrie to be fallen from roof. Of course, It is like a movie.  It is so stupid and so scary, I think! Moreover, he pushed the ladder. I thought is he psychopath?      But at the end, he was captured. And Gina and Carrie become rich thanks to Brad. they become famous this incident. And Brad go to prison for a long time.      I think this is exactly "what goes around comes around". Leather, Sue. (2000). Just like a movie . UK: Cambridge University Press.

BR 2-13: From the Heart

said Dad. ' But there are lots of not very nice people out there. Foreigners, most of them .' (p.1)      At first when I looked this book, I thought this is a only love romance story. So I was interested in it. Roughly it was a love story that way, but it is very thought-provoking.      In this story, a girl named Anna fell in love to a boy named Selim. But he came from Bosnia so he is an immigrant. His parents were died because of bomb. One day they went to the shops to buy things to eat, there was a bomb in the street. So he is alone. He want to live and work in Anna's country. Anna understand about him but Anna's father don't allow to be Anna's boy friend. Because Anna's father, Derek broke up with his wife because his wife left with a man named Lars. Lars is foreigner, so Anna's dad can't allow foreigner. He thinks foreigner is not good.      But All of foreigner is not good, Anna thought because Selim is very kind. She thought he is nice ma

BR 2-12: Mulan

"I can be a man. I can learn to walk with my head up, and to shout when I talk," she says. "And I can wear soldier's clothes." (p.9)         I chose this book because I want to watch this movie by Disney. I already know that movie's song. I really like the song. I listen to the song every night. But I have never seen the movie. So I want to know the story and I found a book at my school library. I tried to read the book, and I was surprised the story because Mulan went to war instead of his father. I thought this story is only love story. But Mulan fights bravely. she is very strong woman. I think she is wonder woman!         I want to be Mulan! Hardy-Gould, Janet. (2006). Mulan. New York: Oxford University Press.