
7月, 2019の投稿を表示しています

Circle Games

     This book has 5 stories. In these stories, I really like the first story. The first story is about old man. He is a old man who dose a cafe with his wife and his son. But he didn't help his wife and didn't do the cafe's work. He always talked about his history. When he was young, he could catch the frying flies. But one night a man entered his cafe, and he wanted to stole something. But the old man could attack to the thief miraculously, so he became a hero in that town.      The title of first story is "Quick Man Tan", second story is "The Wheel on the Wall", third is "Special Clay", Fourth is "The Trishaw Man" and fifth story is "Beautiful thing".      I like "The Trishaw Man", too. This story is about family. The boy who has a great score in his school and his father who works as a taxi driver. The boy really like his father but he doesn't like his work. So if you want to know the last, you have to tr

The New Zealand File

     This genre of book is thriller. One day, Ian who is a British spy working for British Intelligence had to go to the strange place because Ian's boss Naylor told him to go there. Ian exchanged some strange stuffs and information there. But later, Naylor was killed by someone. But no one know who killed him. So Ian searched who is murder. If you want to know who is murder, you have to read this book.      By the way, when I was a child, I liked a bad person who appear in the hero's story. I also wanted to be a heroin, but I really like the bad person because they had many problem. But the end of the story, bad people changed their mind. So I really moved their personality. Every bud person are not good from they were born. After they experienced some sad things, they would be bud person. So I want to help such like the bad person to kind person.      Anyway, this book was really interested, so please try it!