BR 2-05: Amazing Snakes!

There are more than 2,000 different kinds of snakes. (p.6)

「amazing snakes I can read」の画像検索結果     The reason why I read this book is my friend's recommendation. I dislike snakes but my friend said it is funny so I read it. But it is very uncomfortable. the snakes' pictures are creepy.

      However, I was able to know a lot of snakes' name. I also could know the ecology of snakes. a snake can open its mouth so wide that it can swallow something bigger than its head. Therefore, if my mouth and body were built like a snake's, I can swallow a watermelon. I was so surprised to hear that😱

     After I finished reading this book, I dislike snakes even now...

L. Thomson, Sarah. (2006). Amazing Snakes!. New York: HarperCollins Publishers.



June 14th


June 10