Season and Celebration

     1. Festival old and new
 People who live in various countries has four season, so they have the festival each of the season. Food, family and flowers are an important part of most celebrations. People today often live far away from their families, so they send greetings cards at special times like Christmas, Mother's Day and Easter.

     2. The New Year
  New Year Eve is on 31 December, the last day before the New Year begins. At midnight they stand in a circle, join hands and sign an old song called "Auld Lang Syne' in London. New Year's Day is 1 January, the first day of the New Year. It is a holiday for most people, and the banks and many shops don't open. 

     3. Valentine's Day
  Valentine's Day started over two thousand years ago, as a winter festival, on 15 February. The cards had pictures of flowers and birds on, and words inside like:
Roses are red, my love,
Violets are blue,
Sugar is sweet, my love,
But not as sweet as you.
      4. Easter
  Easter is the most important festival in the church year: more important than Christmas. Eggs are an important part of Easter because they mean spring and new life. On Easter Sunday, people give chocolate Easter eggs as presents. They are best hot, and there is an old song about them:
Hot cross buns, hot cross buns,
One a penny, two a penny,
Hot cross buns.
If you have no daughters,
Give them to your sons,
One a penny, two a penny,
Hot cross buns.
      5. Hallowe'en
  The pagans who lived in Britain two thousand years ago celebrated their  New Year on 1 November. People often put up decorations for Halloween party game is called "bobbing for apples". Many apples in a big bowl. The apples stay on top of the water.

     6. Christmas
  At Christmas, people remember when Jesus Christ was born and the Christian religion started. Today, Christmas is a very important time in the Christmas year, but it is also very important to those who do not go to church. It is a time for buying and giving presents, having parties, and being with family.

     I think there are many kinds of festivals or celebrations in the world. I like Christmas the best because the atmosphere of it is so good for me. I want to be with my important people this year.


  1. Festival old and new
    Festivals old and new

    People often put up decorations for Halloween party game is called "bobbing for apples".
    People often put up decorations for a Halloween party game called "bobbing for apples".

    Many apples in a big bowl.
    Many apples are put in a big bowl.

    "people give chocolate Easter eggs as presents. They are best hot, and there is an old song about them"

    Hot cross buns are not the same as chocolate Easter eggs!

  2. sign an old song
    sing an old song

  3. People who live in various countries has four season
    People who live in various countries have four seasons




June 14th

June 10