SLA11: The Secret Garden

Mistress Mary, quite contrary,
How does your garden grow?
With silver bells, and cockle shells,
And marigolds all in a row. (p.12)

Amazon | ELI Readers Teen Stage2 The Secret Garden | 英語・外国語 ...     This story is about a girl who was named Mary. She is very quiet because her parents did not take much care of her. So she doesn't know what is love, and what is happy. One day, she went to his uncle's house. Her uncle's name is Craven. He was always travelling because of the sadness of losing his wife. He told her that "Don't enter the secret garden." But she really wanted to know about it. What do you think whether she goes to the secret garden?
     For the first time, I didn't understand why it is the secret garden. But it include a sad memory. By the way, Mary didn't know about what is love because her parents didn't take care of her very well. The lack of love from parents is very sad. But I think she finally knew what love is.   



June 14th


June 10